Вентиляционное оборудование Mark

    Вентиляционное оборудование Mark BV.

    Ссылка на сайт с подробным описанием.


    Simple and energy saving, up to 30% on your gas consumption.

    Recirculation fan, air displacement from 4.000m³/h to 14.000m³/h, 20% to 30% possible saving on heating costs.

    Applications : warehouses, workshops, garages and shops.


    Silent and maintenance free air disperser

    Ceiling fan with a 5 setting control box (wall-mounted) for better air displacement in the living and working environment.

    Applications: warehouses, schools, churches, shops and offices.


    Extraction unit for better air balance.

    Speed controlled roof extraction for a balanced climate. Available from 1.840m³/h to 10.200m³/h.

    Applications : warehouses, workshops and production areas.


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