Другая продукция Mark
Другая продукция Mark BV.
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CONTROLSWith Mark you control your equipment. Our Climatespecialists make the controlpanel, designed to your specifications. Our "technical advisors (IE)" speak to you gladly, because with every sound climate belongs a good controlpanel. |
HIGH VELOCITY DIFUSEREasy to direct airflow. By using a high velocity difuser you can insert less air than with conventional systems. The very high inductive functioning of the difuser makes a better air-distribution. Applications: Föhn, Calflo, Klimat and MHR-(eco) units. |
AIRSOCKThe stable air difuser. Airsocks are the ideal solution for inserting large valumes cooled or heated air into rooms where a draughtfree and good airdiffusion is a necessity. Applications: Foodfactories, Laboraties, kitchens, schools, fitnessrooms, offices, (clothing)stores and productionfacilities. |